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"Thank you for the words of wisdom in today’s Abilene Reporter News. In the midst of wars violence and pandemics, your words were so soft spoken and calming."

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Did Jesus Do Dishes?

 Did Jesus do dishes?  The very question sounds sacrilegious.  That might be the point.  Sometimes our “religion” prism causes us to miss the real miracle about Jesus.  The whole idea of “religion” tends to confine our thinking to “church” related activities and theological conversations.  To most people, Jesus never enters day-to-day conversation because to do so is to introduce “religion,” and daily life has little to do with religion.

 Those who knew Jesus, who met him, heard him, saw him, ate with him, and walked with him were struck by his humanity.  He was real, but, as some say, “not real religious.”  He went to the synagogues and spoke there, but it was the religious people who had difficulty with him.  He ate with tax collectors, visited with prostitutes, and befriended lepers, violated religious laws by healing the sick and allowing his disciples to harvest grain on the Sabbath.

 Jesus’ divinity continued to shine through for all to see:  he made the blind see, caused the deaf to hear, enabled the lame to walk and raised the dead.  Even the wind and the sea obeyed him.  But, just as importantly if not more so, he made the mundane extraordinary.

 He lived most of his life as a carpenter in a remote village.  As Dallas Willard wrote, “If he were to come today as he did then, he could carry out his mission through most any decent and useful occupation.  He could be a clerk or accountant in a hardware store, a computer repairman, a banker, editor, doctor, waiter, teacher, farmhand, lab technician, or construction worker.  He could run a house cleaning service or repair automobiles. In other words, if he were to come today he could very well do what you do.”

John described him like this:  “The Word became flesh and lived among us and we saw his glory, glory as the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14);  “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched—this we proclaim concerning the Word of life.”

 The Bible never says that Jesus did the dishes.  It does say that he washed feet. Which, it seems to me, required a great deal more humility than washing dishes.  I expect dishes were prized possessions in most homes of Galilee. They weren’t cheap.  You could not pick up dishes at the local Walmart or the Dollar store.  They were all hand crafted and often passed down from generation to generation.  Most homes likely had little more than the essentials when it came to dishes. They did not pile up in the sink waiting for someone to unload the dishwasher. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jesus helped his mother out, or even lent a hand to Martha in the kitchen at Bethany, and washed dishes.

I always think my wife will be most impressed when I buy her flowers.  She does appreciate them. But what she really seems to like is the times that I do the dishes.  It may be that the most spiritual thing you do today is to do the dishes.  It could be a God thing.

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