Sleep is an amazing thing.
We all require it, including the animals. Even my dog sleeps. I know, I have spent the night camping in a
tent with him. He snores. Sleep appears
to be a requirement for all animal life, though it may vary in intensity and
Something mysterious and magical happens when we sleep.
Kenneth Cooper, the world-famous physician who set us on the
path for aerobic health more than forty years ago, maintains that adequate
sleep, like adequate exercise and diet, are essential to balanced health. He states, “Most studies indicate that the
average person needs somewhere between the traditional 7 and 8 hours a night.
If you get much more sleep than that … you feel sluggish and fuzzy-headed
during the day. … if you get too little
sleep .. you tend to feel like death warmed over.”
Sleep deprivation has been used as a means of interrogation
and even torture. In some cases, the
inability to sleep has had catastrophic consequences. Many think the popular actor, Heath Ledger’s tragic death from a prescription drug
overdose may have been caused by his ongoing battle with chronic insomnia.
Scientists have a pretty good idea of what goes on during
sleep, but no one seems to know exactly how it happens. According to the Sleep
Foundation, the body and the brain are repaired and nourished during the phases
of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and
rapid-eye-movement (REM). Somehow the body repairs its muscles, consolidates
memory and releases hormones that regulate growth and appetite.
Even Jesus slept. His
twelve disciples found it incredible that he could sleep in the bow of the boat
during a raging storm. Frantic with fear, they woke him. Awakened from his sleep, Jesus asked, “Why are
you afraid, you men of little faith?” He
then rebuked the winds and the waves, and the place where they were became
perfectly calm. His disciples were astonished and looking at one another asked,
“What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the waves obey him?”
(Matthew 8:23-27).
The need to sleep recognizes our mortality. For seven to eight hours of every day, between
a fourth and a third of every twenty-four hours, the world continues without
us. During that time, we are totally and
completely dependent upon others and upon God for our existence and our well-being.
We are not the masters of our fate.
The Scripture states, “In vain you rise
early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat — for he grants sleep to those he loves.” (Psalm 127:2)
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